Friday, April 22, 2022

New Website!


My new website is LIVE!
After years of working with my excellent web designer Jon at 3Verb, his company is retiring the server my site was on. It seemed like a good excuse for a complete redesign, especially with my new art book Kickstarting in July.

I did it in Adobe Portfolio and they have some awesome templates.

It is weird going through all my art over the years to put this together. Thousands of pieces of art are hard to distill. I have done a lot of cool projects over the years and have a few more to reveal soon including The Train Rolls On to the North Pole, Sloth's Treehouse Inn for San Diego Zoo, and a couple more! Let's just say I am booked to the ears through 2023!

Stay tuned for more with my art book and be a part of my Patreon!

Friday, April 15, 2022

Urban Sketching for Teens Workshop


I am doing an urban sketching workshop on April 30th for teens.

The Cincinnati Art Club is having an Urban Sketching Workshop for Junior and Senior High School students. The workshop is in conjunction with a four-day event featuring Cincinnati Master artists from the past and present. Urban Sketching can ignite a love for the place where you live and begin a practice that could put you on the road to mastery.

The workshop will be led by Christina Wald, a professional children’s book illustrator, who also teaches Illustration at the college level and is a leading member of the Urban Sketchers of Cincinnati. She will facilitate a 10:00-3:00 workshop on April 30th at the Cincinnati Art Club 

If you are interested or would like more information, email Christine Kuhr at Sponsored by Cincinnati Art Club members and the Ohio Arts Council.