
Thursday, May 26, 2016

arts Bridge This Weekend on CET

I will be featured in a segment of arts Bridge this weekend. I hope I  do not seem too tongue-tied

Episode Schedule
Saturday May 28:  6PM on Channel 48
Sunday May 29: 5:30PM on Channel 16 and 8PMon Channel 48.3 (CET Arts)
Monday May 30: 8AM1PM, and 5 PM on Channel 48.3 (CET Arts)
Tuesday May 31: 10AM, 3PM, and 10PM on Channel 48.3 (CET Arts)

It should be available to stream after. I will post a link when it is available.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May the Fourth Be With You Star Wars Tribute Show

Tortured Dreams

Right before The Force Awakens came out, Kevin Necessary and I talked about doing a Star Wars tribute show. We knew at the time, we were too crazy busy to do it but the topic kept coming up and Kevin suggested having his good friends at Brew House host the show.

Fortunately for us, they were up for it! Next, we had to cajole our many busy artist friends to participate. We are overwhelmed with the results!

See the total artist list here:

Also, Anthony "Tank" Mansfield, Jaimie Filer, Justin Stewart and I will be making live art during the show.

The show is at Brew House on 1047 East McMillan from 6-1l.

I will be auctioning off my live art to Force for Change and BH will also be donating a portion of food and drink sales plus any other donations.

Most of the art on the wall is for sale too. I have five new Star Wars pieces up.

Finn from The Force Awakens


West End Star Wars Game Books with my art
It is fun to dip my toes into the Star Wars universe once again. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I did quite a bit of illustration for the Star Wars RPG for West End Games. Interior art and card inserts for 13 books to be exact. I only show 12 here because that makes a nice block and I cannot remember the last.

Hope to see everyone on the 4th!

A piece from Operation: Elrood; one of my favorites done all old school in marker, ink, pencil and airbrush
Nice coverage by WCPO here on their site!

Finally, every artist wrote a blurb about what Star Wars meant to them and a favorite quote. Here is mine: