
Friday, June 28, 2013

Wordsworth and the Dragon Funded!

We have SURPASSED our goal to fund Wordsworth and the Dragon with 8 days to spare! THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

On to the next phase! We will keep you posted as soon as the book is available.

If you still want to support our book, you can contribute until the clock runs out:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another Birthday Sketch

I have a bit of a sketch backlog, but am super swamped so can only post once in a while.

This is a sketch I did for my sister-in-law's 50th birthday. It is her adorable Bichon Teddy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

More Sketching Around: Xavier University and Clifton

View from the Schott Tower...
Here are a couple sketches on location with my friend Vanessa. When we started setting up, we both loved the little castle turrets on one of the buildings. Neither of us got them in out sketches though.

I was so irritated about that when I got home that I taped a piece to the top of the sketch and added the part that I wanted.

Vine video:

A week later, we drew in Clifton close to Mt.Storm Park. We loved this house beacuse it reminded us of an Edward Gorey illustration:

Very Edward Gorey. You can almost see a man wearing a big fur coat walking out
Vine Video:

More soon! I have a bit of a backlog.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wordsworth and the Dragon Indiegogo Campaign

We are SO CLOSE to making our Indiegogo goal for our book!! In honor of our halfway point, I did this teaser video.

We love all of our contributors!